Information & Consultations


Information & Consultations


What are Enzymes?

Enzymes are very large complex protein molecules. They are responsible for the pre-digestion of our food. Enzymes need to be activated in order for them to do their very specific work. Besides moisture, they require three things to become active: the proper temperature, the proper pH (acid or alkaline), and the right substrate (or material) to break down. For example, protease, the enzyme that breaks down protein will only work on protein, not carbohydrate.

Enzymes run every biochemical reaction in our body. This means that enzymes do the "work" in the body whereas vitamins and minerals, also known as coenzymes, are only building blocks. What is poorly understood is how important enzymes are to digestion and to the concept of staying healthy. Think of enzymes as the workers or builders of a house. The house is made up of raw materials called: Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. To build the house, the enzymes put all of the raw materials together to build the house. If there are no enzymes present, the house won't be built. If there are very few enzymes present, it will take years to build the house; or, the house may never get built at all.

Enzymes also nourish the immune system. The immune system is responsible for keeping us from getting sick by destroying bacteria, and viruses.

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